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Auto Align Hang Hook

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Robo Raiders

Project by

Robo Raiders
Mascoutah, Illinois

General Information

This hanging hook for FTC Rover Ruckus automatically centers the bracket into the slot. From there, it is held in by a latch on a swivel. You can find that latch in the inevitables FTC projects as well. You can either start the holes with the 1/8" bit or switch to a 9/64" bit to drill them directly.

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Material Description Price
Aluminum Sheet 6061

Aluminum Sheet 6061

Dimensions: 8 in × 12 in × .125 in, Thickness: .125 inch


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This is the full assembly. The shaft attachment is a little janky in this version.


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Cut Part Outlines

60 minutes

First of all, what we want to do is cut out a the outlines of our two parts from our aluminum. For cutting the aluminum, use a Solid Carbide 1 Flute Upcut Spiral bit, or one similar. If you use a different bit, make sure that it is rated to cut aluminum, and that it has a diameter of 0.125" or less if you want to end with the same shape as shown in the pictures.

Something to note is that because of our lift design and landing strategy, there is a plate on the top of the hook itself. If you want to only use the hook, the step file is in with the digital files. We don’t have G-code for it unfortunately, so you would need to make your own. I would recommend just making the one here, and then cutting off the top part afterwards if you need to save on weight or space.

Secure Aluminum to the waste board.

Use dust removal system if you have one.

Cut the plates. Be careful as you get towards the end that the tabs which hold the plate on don’t cut all the way through. Especially if you are not using a z-probe. When all of the sides have cut through to the waste board, stop the cut. If the tabs cut all the way through, the plate might come loose. If your part does come loose, make sure you stop the cut immediately to avoid damage to your part and to the machine. It would be nasty to get that wedged somewhere.


Cut Small Holes

15 minutes

There are two ways to go about cutting the 9/64" holes that mount the latch to the hook, and the hook to the robot.

The first way is to use the same bit as you used for the outside to tap the holes to drill. However, I would not recommend this, since it takes a very long time, and is more likely to break the bits. Additionally, the holes often end up in a slightly different place than they should be due to the flat end on the milling bit.

The way I would recommend drilling the holes is to switch to a regular 9/64" drilling bit for these holes.


Cut Large Hole

10 minutes

Just like the small holes, there are two different ways to cut the 1/4" holes in the center of the two hole patterns. These will be used to mount the 1/4" shaft that the latch mounts onto.

Like the small holes, you can use the milling bit, but that will have the same drawbacks as I outlined earlier.

The way I would recommend drilling the holes is to switch to a regular 1/4" drilling bit for these holes.


Clean Up Parts

20 minutes

For this step, you first want to remove the aluminum from the CNC, and then remove the two plates from the aluminum plate.

After the parts are out of the aluminum, make sure you file the edges. Often there are some pretty sharp or jagged corners. Also, make sure you clean up where the tabs used to be.

If you used the milling bit tapping method, make sure you drill the right 9/64" holes and 1/4" holes.



15 minutes

Next thing is to put all the parts together. The way that the latch ends up mounting to the plate is a little bit janky, since I was originally planning to use a swivel hub. However, that ended up being to wide to use.

To see how it all goes together, see the attached .step file of the assembly.


Attach to Robot

45 minutes

I can’t really help you with this one. Just put it onto your robot however you can. I would recommend mounting to a actobotics channel. Here is a video of how our system works in the end.

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