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XPS Foam Snowmen

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Gregory Wurst

Project by

Gregory Wurst

General Information

Inspired by XPS foam gravestone projects here, I made these snowpeople out of 16″ × 24″ pieces of XPS foam. I made a snowman, snowwoman, and snowkid – which are posted here separately.

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Cut, paint, and mount.

30 minutes

I mounted the foam to the X-Carve Pro wasteboard using double-sided tape. For ease of cutting I separated the cuts into 2 projects, but they are combined here. An 1/8" upcut bit is used to cut the outline and a 1/16" tapered bit for a light pass to add detail and make it easier to paint the details.

A piece of 1/2" PVC pipe is glued to the back using construction adhesive and then a piece or rebar is hammered into the ground to hold them. I painted the entire thing in a couple coats of white stain-sealing primer and then painted the other colors on top.

Snowwoman –

Snowkid –