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WoodRiver Side Lock Folder Scales

43 opens
11 copies
Matt Slaga

Project by

Matt Slaga
Jacksonville, USA

General Information

This is an Easel template for the side panels (scales) for the WoodRiver Side Lock Folder 3 1/4" pocketknife kit.

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Pocketknife Scale Instructions

As you can see in the pictures, this Easel template matches the knife scale template from the instructions on this pocketknife. Even though it matches quite closely, you still need to do a little minor shaping to get it just right in the handle.

I’m not quite done shaping the wood, so I’ll post additional pictures when I am finished.

I went through some headaches trying to get this template scanned and altered so it was ready to be imported into Easel. Figured I’d save anyone else trying this some time.
Item 1 that needs to be altered is the depth of your wood. I got the template correct using an extra 1/8" maple, then I switched to my final handle of 1/4" leopardwood, which I had to sand down to 1/8" after cutting out the template. I changed my countersink depth (next item) for this depth of wood.

Item 2 that needs to be altered is the countersink hole. The instructions says to drill the countersink 3/64" deep, so adjust yours to match the needed depth.

If you look closely at the leopardwood on the scale template, this is what it looks like compared when shaped to fit the handle.

For reference, here is a link to the knife kit:

Adding two pictures of the completed project.