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Tough System to Packout

Devin Nelson

Project by

Devin Nelson

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Dewalt Tough System Storage Box Adapter plate to work with milwaukee packout storage boxes

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Christopher Crawford
Would be great to see a ToughSystem to T-Stak. I really want a vacuum I can clip onto my Tough System boxes but unfortunately they only make one for T-Stak.
Christopher Crawford
Faizuree Abdullah Sani
Hi Mr. Devin.. My name Faizuree and i'm from Malaysia. I know about u'r brilliant product from Stack Smarter info. My question is.. Can i purchase u'r product? T.S. to P.O. and P.O. to T.S. Adapter Plate. I love to mix and match my Toughsystem and Packout Modular.
Faizuree Abdullah Sani
Faizuree Abdullah Sani
Gonna mix Toughsystem from Dewalt DS400, Facom Bpn400, Stanley Fatmax TS400, Mac Tools Mbts300 together with any packout modular set. TQ So Much Sir. Faizuree +601111581879
Faizuree Abdullah Sani
Devin Nelson
@faizurre do you have an X carve? Maybe I can share the files and you can make it yourself
Devin Nelson
Eliezer Kolatch
Is it possible to get the files so i can replicate the project?
Eliezer Kolatch
@Devin , not sure how old these posts are. Do you still sell the packout / tstak adapter plate, and do you have toughsystem/tstak and packout/toughsystem as well?