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The Ultimate White Elephant Gift

70 opens
23 copies
Donald LeBlanc

Project by

Donald LeBlanc
Eastvale, California

General Information

I have made The Ultimate White Elephant Gift and wish to share it with the world!

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Open project in Easel and cut it out

30 minutes

Mount your board in your X-Carve. Open the project in Easel and size it to fit your board. Run the program and carve it out.


Paint the words and Elephant outline

30 minutes

I was short on time so I hand painted mine with acrylic craft paint. I painted the word Christmas in red and the Elephant outline in black. I took my time and tried to keep as much paint off the outer surface as possible. I let the paint dry over night and through the next day.


Sand off excess paint

5 minutes

The next night I used my random orbit sander with 120 grit sandpaper and sanded off the excess paint. I used my shop vac to suck up all the sawdust in the carved out portion and then wiped it down with a dry cloth.


Paint the Elephant

30 minutes

Once again, I used acrylic craft paint to color the elephant white and I used some metallic silver for his toenails. Why metallic silver do you ask? Because it’s my elephant and that was the color that I chose. You may paint your elephant’s toenails whatever color you choose but do not come crying to me when you realize that my elephant’s toenails look better than yours.


Clear coat

15 minutes

To protect the paint I gave my elephant 3 coats of a satin spray polyurethane with a light sanding between coats. You can tell by the lack of a picture that I have not yet actually done this step yet but I highly recommend some kind of a protective coating be applied. Do as I say, not as I do.