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The Swedish Maker - Plywood Chair

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The Swedish Maker

Project by

The Swedish Maker

General Information

This project was made using 18mm birch plywood. Tag me on @theswedishmaker on instagram of you make a version – I would love to see it. The back stretcher wasn’t cut on the cnc, but it is equally long to the front stretcher, cut at 20 degree angle and 45mm wide.

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Birch Plywood

Birch Plywood

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The Swedish Maker
The holes for the dowels are 8mm and are used for aligning when glueing the pieces together. One of the stretchers was cut on the table saw because it has an angle to it. The angle is 20 degrees and the pieces is 45mm wide and equally long to the front stretcher.
The Swedish Maker
Wonderful project! Where does the separately cut "back stretcher" go to?
Love this, and would like to make one. I can only seem to get instructions on making but not the actual cad file. How do I download...where is the link. Is it a dxf please? Thanks so much I'm a teacher so will share your videos in return.
The Swedish Maker
Hi Lucy, you can find the full file on my website
The Swedish Maker