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Team Sign

Michael Zawicki

Project by

Michael Zawicki

General Information

Sign for team snowcat
check out his videos here
He talks about this sign here

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Material Description Price
Carbide V-Bits

Carbide V-Bits

Shank Diameter: 1/4 in, Cutting Diameter: 1/2 in, Tip Angle: 60 Degree


Carving Bit Starter Set

Carving Bit Starter Set

8 general purpose starter bits with 1/8" shanks

This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

from Inventables


Wood sign for #teamsnowcat

120 minutes

2 foot by 11 inch sign made from poplar .50 thick
used 60* V bit and a 1/16 end mill.
round over on sided
airbrushed paint and sanded to 320 grit
3 coats of a high gloss finish
back side shows my Facebook page and Instagram