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Student Desktop Nametag Holders- Makes Seven!

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Kevin Loeffler

Project by

Kevin Loeffler
Arvada, USA

General Information

A cheap way to have your students’ nametags stand vertical on their desks, which keeps them from picking at them all year long. These holders have a slot for one nametag and a tray for pencils. Velcro them to the desk and moving students around the room is very easy.

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Material Description Price
Black HDPE Sheet

Black HDPE Sheet

Thickness: 1/2 in don't use, Dimensions: 8 in × 12 in don't use

Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

1/16" Upcut Fish Tail Carving Bit


This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

from Inventables


Carve the Easel project

540 minutes

The project takes about 9 hours to carve using a 1/16" fishtail tool. This could be shortened if you’re willing to do a tool change and only use the 1/16 (or smaller) tool for the nametag slot.



15 minutes

After removing the carved nametag holders, we found it was quick and easy to use a file to take care of any sharp burrs and then to use a fabric softener sheet to get rid of any fuzzy leftover material on the nametag holders.


Insert nametag and velcro to the desk

15 minutes

Using adhesive velcro dots we attatched the nametag holders to the students’ desk. Done!

Optionally you could laminate the nametag. It makes them hold up longer, especially if you’ll be moving the nametags between holders in your classroom.

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