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Star Wars Empire

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Michael Zawicki

Project by

Michael Zawicki

General Information

Made a simple StarWars Logo, scale it up as big as you want mine is a 5 inch circle and used a 1/4 inch bit on 1/2 MDF

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Material Description Price
End Mill Sample Pack, 1/8 in Shank

End Mill Sample Pack, 1/8 in Shank

Quantity: 5 (mix of 5 different types), Shank Diameter: 1/8 in, Cutting Diameter: Varies


MDF Wood

MDF Wood

Dimensions: 12 in × 12 in, Thickness: 1/2 in

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Import IMage

1 minute

Import the image and vector it so you can make adjustments to all the parts


Background cut

3 minutes

Make 2 circles one smaller then the other send the larger one to the back and the smaller one just in front of that. This will be cut on path and with tabs to cut out the final project. The inner circle should be set to 0 depth for cut Larger circle should be the same thickness as the material you are using


Join the inner logo parts it will help on alignment

2 minutes

I joined the inner peaces of the logo to make it easier for alignment and scaling purposes


You are almost there

2 minutes

Now just use the alignment tools to make sure everything is centered doubble check all yor depths and make sure all of your project is sent to cut the FILL except for the outer circles we made to cut the work peace out. those should be set to on path with tabs


Check your tool paths

4 minutes

I noticed when i first did this one peace did not center right and the job was off set. check twice and cut once!!


Paint your project!

60 minutes

Before i did any cutting i painted a peace of MDF white and covered it with painters tape. i tapped in one direction with about 1/4 over lap. thin i rotated my peace 45* and repeated. this will make it much easier and much faster to get the 2 tone pain done. once the peace is done cutting take a hobbie knife to trim and fix tape where needed. paint the other color of your liking. i wanted mine to look like a peace that has been through a war and battle.

Hi Michael, very cool! I want this to be my first "real" X-Carve project, but I'm running into an issue. I downloaded the file, but upon trying to import it into Easel, it said "oops, can't find any objects"....can you suggest a solution? Thanks, Russ
Michael Zawicki
Sorry to hear that. I found the image off google and had it converted to a svg. Hope this helps if not I'll find one for you
Michael Zawicki