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Scrabble Board

144 opens
67 copies
Sean Anderson

Project by

Sean Anderson
Northampton, United Kingdon

General Information

A simple pocket cut scrabble board (with 20mm playing piece pockets).
I based this off of the standard playing piece of 19×19mm.

Updated the project (accidentally deleted it) with the addition of the player trays, easily be removed if not needed.

Adjust the piece depths to suit your pieces

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Sean Anderson
I set the "bonus" squares to be 6mm deep, so they are clearly visible when using my project, but also because if I were making this, I would inset a different colour wood to highlight the squares. Given that original pieces are 4mm thick, I would aim to have the finished pockets at about 1.5mm.
Sean Anderson
Cindy Dorin
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Cindy Dorin
Jason Cremor
Hi Sean, Looks excellent. I can not open the file in Easel though. Could you try sharing again please?
Jason Cremor
Sean Anderson
Accidentally deleted it. Shared a slightly revised version.
Sean Anderson
Jason Cremor
Thanks Sean, much appreciated.
Jason Cremor