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Quiet Spindle upgrade/enclosure/dino knob

Bob Clagett

Project by

Bob Clagett

General Information

I recently did a standard quiet spindle upgrade and made an enclosure for all of the electronics, and an under-machine storage solution.
Also, I cut a toy dinosaur in half and made a fun drawer pull with it.
For a full how-to video:

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Material Description Price
Enclosed Power Supply

Enclosed Power Supply

Output Voltage: 48VDC - 2014 - 2017, Current: 7.29A, Power: 350W

Isolated Relay Circuit

Isolated Relay Circuit

Number of Relays: 1

Male Header Connectors

Male Header Connectors

Orientation: Straight, Pins: 1 × 40, Quantity: 10 pack

Power Cord

Power Cord

Length: 6 ft, End 2 Type: Pre-Stripped (bare) - 2013 - 2017

Quiet Cut Spindle

Quiet Cut Spindle

Power: 300W, Voltage: 48VDC

Spindle Speed Controller

Spindle Speed Controller

DC Spindle Speed Controller


This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

from Inventables


Check out my site for a full how-to article

You can see shots of the entire process, as well as a list of things you’ll need at

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John H. Snider
I've been considering a spindle upgrade for my Shapeoko 2. You helped me make up my mind. The cabinet is a really good idea. Thanks for the video.
John H. Snider
Dave Baker
I really wanted the dino knob to be the spindle speed control :(
Dave Baker