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play cube Using box joints

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Gemel E Butler

Project by

Gemel E Butler

General Information

wanted to make something for a set of twines in my life so i came up with this cube. all you need is a piece of wood and some glue

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Material Description Price
Birch Plywood

Birch Plywood

Thickness: 1/2 in, Dimensions: 12 in × 24 in

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toy cube.svg


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cut pattern

please watch the video for how i laid out the box joints for this box. its the easiest way i know how to show how i do it.



1- 12″ × 24″ × 1/2" plywood or MDF

wood glue


parting the pices

after the X carve has finished give everything a quick sanding.i used a hobby knife to cut the pieces out of the wast and to trim off the tabs from the pieces.


clean up the joints

The joints on the box will be very tight. Use sandpaper or a file to clean any ruff spots and to smooth the inside of the joints so they will fit properly.



glue up and assemble the box. Use a hammer and a scrap piece of wood to hammer the pieces together. Use clamps if necessary to hold together till the glue drys.



Give everything a good final sanding. Because i was giving this to a set of 9 mount old twines i used my sander to round over all the edges.



finish the box as desired. i used nontoxic acrylic paint to paint it.

Jene Johnson
Great project! I could not view your video? I want to make one in the near future.
Jene Johnson
John Colgan
Hi Jene, good work with the box joint design. The only part missing was which piece to cut On/Inside/Outside the line and what size bit to cut with as this will change the size of the fingers and cut outs
John Colgan