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Otter Chair

367 opens
136 copies
Christopher Finke

Project by

Christopher Finke

General Information

A chair or stepstool for small children featuring an otter on each side.

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Left Side Texture

First, cut the left side texture using the v-bit of your choice. Be sure to mark your starting point on the workpiece so that you can position the endmill in the same spot for the next step.


Left Side Outline

Switch to the endmill of your choice and cut the left side outline.


Right side texture and outline

Put a new piece of wood on the X-Carve and cut the right side texture and outline like you did for the left side in steps one and two. Now you’ll have both sides prepared, or if you made a mistake like I did and accidentally cut two of the left side, you’ll have two of each side so you can build two stools.


Seat and seatback

Optionally, cut the seat and seatback on the X-Carve. You could also easily cut these on a table saw or miter saw.



Choose your screw locations, depending on how high you want the seat and how far back you want the back. Drill pilot holes in the sides, seat, and seatback. (Before assembling, I used a hand router with a roundover bit on all of the edges of each of the pieces.) Screw the seat and seat back in place.

Optionally, you can countersink the screws and then cover the holes with wooden buttons. Or, you could choose your own method of attaching the seat and seatback. I’m not the boss of you.

Sam Alaimo
Sam Alaimo
clint edworthy
Hi Christopher what thickness ply did you use
clint edworthy
Christopher Finke
3/4" Baltic birch
Christopher Finke
Lisa Karraker
About how long does this take to cut?
Lisa Karraker
Christopher Finke
Easel says that each side (the design and the cut-out step) takes about 45 minutes, and the back+seat cut takes about half an hour. So in total, 2 hours.
Christopher Finke