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Modern Laptop Table with wireless charger

28 opens
3 copies
David Márquez Kacic

Project by

David Márquez Kacic
Santiago, Chile

General Information

I make a table for the notebook for bed and also be used to support her cell and charge it. The design is made with Soft Maple (750×250mm) and walnut for the holder. I make my own only for reference with some wood find in local store. Made with Pine 9mm and Chilean Raulí 10mm

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Material Description Price
Soft Maple - Hardwood Type

Soft Maple - Hardwood Type (×5)

Dimensions: 6 in × 12 in - don't use, Thickness: 1/2 in - don't use



6" × 12" × 1/2" Walnut


Carve the back part

24 minutes

With the first workpiece, you must carve the part where the wireless charger will go and the cuts to bend the wood.


turn the wood and carve

You must turn the wood horizontally and place it in the same position as the previous stage.


Carve the cellphone holder

12 minutes

Now place the wood you want to use to make the cell holder, ideally it is a different wood than the previous one. And Carve



10 minutes

Now Sand


Bend the wood

20 minutes

Now you have to bend the wood, if you can’t, add hot water for a few minutes and it will become soft. Then place in the joints glue and hold it for a while so that it is stuck.


Sand again and barnish

20 minutes

Sand again and barnish