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McGinn's Cribbage Board

2278 opens
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6915 downloads 16 comments
Jason McGinn

Project by

Jason McGinn
Cocagne, Canada

General Information

You may find it easier to download the SVG files and setup your own design in better software. I find Easel doesn’t play nice with anything with too many parts.
See me make it here —>

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Material Description Price
Carbide Tip V-Bit 30 Degree Single Flute - 1/4 in Shank

Carbide Tip V-Bit 30 Degree Single Flute - 1/4 in Shank

Shank Diameter: 1/4 in, Angle: 30 Degree


Carbide V-Bits

Carbide V-Bits

Shank Diameter: 1/4 in, Cutting Diameter: 1/2 in, Tip Angle: 60 Degree


Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

1/16" Upcut Fish Tail Carving Bit


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Prepare Stock

A stock peice no smaller than the following

16" Long
8" Wide
1/2" Thick
Flatten and sand to 220 Grit, Clamp down to table.

Watch me make it here:


Clear Holes using 1/16th Up Spiral

60 minutes

Using the 1/16th inch upspiral bit, zero to bottom left of stock.

Run Workpeice “ClearHoles 1/16th…”

Verify cut speeds and settings


V-Carve Tracks with 60 deg vbit

Switch to the “V-Carve Tracks – 60deg vbit” workpeice

Leave the controller running as to not move the XY position.
Using the Easel controls, raise the Z axis to change the bit carefully as to not move the position
If you have Easel Pro, you can use the v-carve bit, but I choose the “other” bit and just put in 0.02 and get the same results.
Zero the bit testing with paper and run


Engrave Cards and Words

20 minutes

Using the 30 degree engraving bit, choose the “Cards & Words Engraved 30deg Engraving” workpeice.

Leave the controller running as to not move the XY position.
Using the Easel controls, raise the Z axis to change the bit carefully as to not move the position


Engrave Custom Area

25 minutes

Using the “Custom Area” workpeice and still the 30 degree engraving bit, zero the bit to the stock

Leave the controller running as to not move the XY position.
Using the Easel controls, raise the Z axis to change the bit carefully as to not move the position
Import your favorite SVG or edit your own design in Easel here to engrave on the board.
If you need it, there’s another workpeice called “Custom Area Template” that can be used to position your custom design.

After positioned, you can zero the depth on the rest of the objects or you can delete them.
Before making any changes, duplicate it so it’s available next time you want to customize and position.



15 minutes

Using a Diresta Ice Pick or a lesser object of your choice, scrape the engravings and tracks. Then with an air compressor, blow the dust from the peice.

Once prepared, sand to desired grit and finish.

I use Tung Oil and sand to 320

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steve sherer
Nice. Can you explain why using 1/16 bit to drill 1/8 holes?
steve sherer
Jason McGinn
Yes, there are no drill operations available in Easel. Best I can do is "clear 1/8" if I do that with a 1/8" bit it will be slight larger, so I go smaller and clear. My GCode I use has pecking and just drills it, but for easel this seems to be the only option
Jason McGinn
steve sherer
OK. Thanks. I use Vcarve and do 1/8 holes for cribbage boards by drilling with 1/8 bit. Just wondering......
steve sherer
Jason McGinn
Yea, it would be a nice option to be added to Easel, not sure why it can't be done. Looking through the forum it's been on request since 2015 by many, so I decided not to hold my breath. That feature and Auto Save off would be a big help to adding many types of projects
Jason McGinn
Gerald Perry
Thanks Jason I'm working with a Shapeoko 3. This looks great.
Gerald Perry
David Spurrell
hi guys, I am having trouble with the files for this project. after I unzip the downloaded file and bring it inti carbide create the file for the tracks are incomplete. pieces missing etc. anyone have this trouble or know what may cause the problem. the file for the holes seem to be ok. cheers
David Spurrell
Joy Joy
I love this, would make a donation it ot was available in 3 rows
Joy Joy
Bryan Smith
What a great project and for beginners too!!! You have added valuable information and the design files. So many youtube projects never give enough details or files. This is my first time looking at your project. Please keep up the great work and don't for get the details. Great Job!! Byan
Bryan Smith
Neil Thurston
You used a .02 bit to carve letters and cards. Where did you purchase this sized bit? I have not been able to find one.
Neil Thurston
Shawn Poirier
Thank you so much for the file :)
Shawn Poirier
Mario Turcotte
@David Spurrell, open the project in Easel and make the modificatoins you need. Once done export it locally and open it with Carbide Motion.
Mario Turcotte
Dylan Rose
Won't let me post pictures but Thanks for the file! I used the holes and most of the paths to create some great personalized Christmas presents!
Dylan Rose
Dee Wilson
I have a shapeoko 3xxl and am using Carbide Create. I purchased the above bits, but I'm not having a luck with the wording/card section. I'm afraid I have the wrong bit settings setup. Is there anyone that has had luck with this that I could bounce my settings off?
Dee Wilson
Douglas Robinson
could you please tell me how you did the out line outside of the track to cut out the oblong shape of the board,txs
Douglas Robinson
joe Kos
Having issues in easel resizing to get holes to line up with tracks.
joe Kos
how did u make the boxes ? i like this design but want to make it a 3 player and not sure the best way to reduce the box size .