Come up with a bathroom design on Easel inventables. Then on easel it will tell you how to work the controls. You need to make sure the convert it below is one of the signs.
For this step you want to look at the length, height, width and thickness of your sign. Then get the acrylic sheet of your liking for this we used a black and gold gloss with foam core. You want to get your foam core then your acrylic sheet. For example our acrylic sheet was 8”x 12” and our thickness was 1/16 inches. You want to match your sign to your acrylic sheet.
Acylic Sheet: Foam Core
For step three what you want to do is go over your design and work make sure you didn’t forget anything. Then If you think you can make your product better go for it. You want your sign to be the best it can be. Also double check your prices and your material. Make sure it works. Then if you want to create another sign or if you want to make it better you can use on of these sources.
Google drawings
The price would vary depending on what the material you buy ours was $11 it also varies with the length width and the height and thickness of your sign same with your foam core.