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HardBoard box

34 opens
6 copies
Joseph Suchta

Project by

Joseph Suchta

General Information

A simple box made with hot glue and hardboard. Stronger than you’d ever expect.

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Material Description Price
Bamboo Plywood

Bamboo Plywood

Thickness: 1/4 - don't use, Plies: 3 - don't use, Dimensions: 8 in × 12 - don't use


Load and cut

80 minutes

Load and cut. This takes a while to carve. I use bamboo as a material to get a decent feed rate. It could be faster. Anyway; this glues-with hot glue very strong; stronger than I expected. The dogbones work great. Hardboard easily allows for parts as this as 1/16", but you have to deal with spacing between the parts, and tabs. I could’ve used more tabs on this box to keep it stable.

I had a depth of cut problem in the beginning. I started out the code, but had a bad z-height. I killed the carve, re-homed, after checking depth and adding a few hundredths, and re-carved. I still have a low spot in the z on the right side of my table, but with the waste board getting whacked for about a 50th in the top left, and a little furry i the middle, I’m doing okay.

So I basically over-carve these types of shapes just to accommodate the wasteboard problems. I’ll try to shim my next project to see if that help. It should.