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Hanging Keyhole

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chris arriaga

Project by

chris arriaga
Ventura, CA

General Information

This file was created in Fusion 360 and imported into Easel. It will create a keyhole for a nail or screw for hanging. The hole will be made 2 inches up from zero and is 0.25 inches deep and 1.5 inches long.

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Making the Hole

1 minute

-Easel does not properly show the material cut because it is an imported gcode file so it looks different in Easel.
-The hole will be centered 2 inches up from zero point so set your zero accordingly.
-The hole is 0.25" deep so ensure that your wood is thick enough so that the carved design on the back side is not so deep that the keyhole will poke through your carving.
-The hole is 0.25" deep, 1.5" long.
-This hole was designed for use with a keyhole bit of the following dimensions:
3/8" large diameter
3/16" small diameter
1/4" shank
7/16" cutting length

Kevin E Henderson
It appears this is not public. Any assistance would be appreciated
Kevin E Henderson
Anthony Davis
Thank you for posting this Chris, it works great and is a huge help to me,
Anthony Davis