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Gun Rack Top

123 opens
61 copies
Charles Dearing

Project by

Charles Dearing
Gatesville, united States

General Information

22 3/4 wide by 4 1/4 high Top piece of gun rack.
The oval will have an inset piece made on the scroll saw and glued into place.

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Material Description Price

Walnut (×2)

6" × 12" × 3/4" Walnut


from Inventables


Top portion of a 3-Rifle gun rack

I wasn’t sure how to merge more than one Easel project into a single project post so forgive the incomplete nature. There is a link below of another project file done by me through Easel that is called “Gun Rack Side”. Be sure to use the project to complete this project (make two).
Find that project here:
1- Choose your material of choice. I chose thick boards (1.063 in.) Admittedly I do not recall the species. I’ve had this wood for a while now.
2- Put the thickness, width and length into Easel.
3- Choose your depth per pass. I am using a DeWalt 611 and a good rule of thumb for this router’s depth per pass is 1/2 the size of the cutting bit. My bit was 1/8 so the depth per pass was 1/32.
4- Set the inches per minute. I went with 50 in/min.
5- Make sure the bit in your desired home position and make the bit “kiss” the surface.
6- Go through the portion of the Easel carve setup to confirm all steps you’ve completed.
7- Hit Carve and go!
8- I’ve posted this project straight from the X-Carve, but I plan to do fine sanding and rounding over the edges. Then I will clear coat it. On the top portion I plan to use the scroll saw to cut a design into a thinner piece and species. I will then glue it into the oval from underneath.
9- I plan to use pocket holes to assemble the sides to the top. The bottom support piece will have no cnc routing done unless you choose to. The dimensions of that should match the dimensions of the top decorative piece shown at the above link.
I ill be adding a buck portrait into the back of this gun rack as well. That is yet to come.