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Gear camel

303 opens
93 copies
1 comment
Sam Alaimo

Project by

Sam Alaimo

General Information

Steampunk? Child’s toy? Does it matter? No, it’s Gear Camel!!!

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Material Description Price
Carving Material Starter Kit

Carving Material Starter Kit

5 sheets of material for practicing your carving skills dont use


Open and cut file

15 minutes

If you want to make the camel, you can open it up and cut it out. I found that 1/4" thickness is probably the thinnest you can go and still have the gears work well.


M3 hardware

15 minutes

I found that m3 hardware (of varying lengths) are the best fasteners for the job.


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5 minutes

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Stan Davis
Great project to learn about use of gears.
Stan Davis