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Flag Pledge

1375 opens
411 copies
Da Vid Jimenez

Project by

Da Vid Jimenez
Dinwiddie, USA

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Johnnie Wilson Jr
Nice I did one similar myself
Johnnie Wilson Jr
Jesse Lopez
Nice, but I'll have to remove the GOD part. That wasn't in the original version.
Jesse Lopez
Da Vid Jimenez
Jesse Lopez, I was born and raised after 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. SO BE IT!!!!!!!!!!
Da Vid Jimenez
Kevin Davidson
Wow always someone to ruin things like Jessie Lopez, if you didn't like it you should have just kept quiet.
Kevin Davidson
Anthony Aviles
in 1923 the Words "the Flag of the United States of America" and in 1954 the Words "under God" were added. So if you think taking under GOD because it was not part of the original then why not take "the Flag of the United States of America" As a Veteran I like it the way it is today.
Anthony Aviles
Bill Odom
Jesse Lopez, when the God part was added the flag only had 48 stars. You going to remove some stars also?
Bill Odom
GINA Scott
I would like to say I love you flag and the pledge ! You are right someone always has to be ugly ! The pledge will always say Under God to me . I am sure he doesn't stand for the flag if you dont like American why are here ! I will be praying for people that dont believe in God!
GINA Scott
David Toletti
great job thank you for sharing
David Toletti
Donald Rawlins
Looks great just like it is.
Donald Rawlins
Dianne L. Tallarico
Da Vid, how did you add color to this flag?
Dianne L. Tallarico
Donna L Shue
Thank you all for defending God and the American Flag!! I agree that if you want to keep anything or word out of what your project is, then keep it to yourself. Yes you have freedom of speech, so speak it to yourself and then there is no constitutional violations.
Donna L Shue
Eric Tuck
Praise God! Whichever you like.
Eric Tuck
Anthony Johnson
i love it you have done most American people proud thank you if more people would get back to there roots of god and church we might not have the world the way it is today so sad
Anthony Johnson
Tom Theodore
nice flag, however the second to last row of stars is not aligned like the rest, it throws things off
Tom Theodore
Tony Pignatello
5+ hours to cut ????
Tony Pignatello