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Customizable Ornament Template

5592 opens
2674 copies
Sam Alaimo

Project by

Sam Alaimo

General Information

A template for making quick and personalized gifts. I am making an ornament for everyone in my family this Christmas. Open the template, add text or an icon, combine, and carve!

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Open template and add text

1 minute

Click the “open in Easel” button to get the ornament template. Copy the template over to your projects. Name your new file.

Use the text tool to pick a font and add the text you would like.


Xploder app!

1 minute

In order to make the text usable, we will need to use the “Xploder” app. This is a tool that turns text into shapes, so we can move the parts around. Highlight the text, click Apps, and select “Xploder”.

You do not need to adjust the “gap” setting, click import. Once imported, delete the original text you created. Now, move the different sections of text to arrange them in the circle shape the way you would like.

You can use the icons or image import to add other elements other than text to the design.

Overlap your text, images, and ornament outline as fills to until you are happy with the design. I find it easiest to design with all fills and change to outlines later.



1 minute

Once you have the overlapping elements arranged the way you like, highlight everything, make sure they are a filled shape, and click “edit” than " combine".

This should take the overlapping individual elements and make them into one shape!

Once combined, changed the “fill” setting to “outline” and “outside”.


Select material and bit

1 minute

Now that the design is done, select the material and bit you would like to use. I have been using the 1/6" upcut fish tail but (blue collar) and glitter acrylics.

Make sure to:

- Change the bit in Easel.
- Change the material in Easel
- Change the material dimensions in Easel

Changing these settings will effect how your project is cut out.

I also going to use double sided tape to secure the material down to the waste board so I do not have to use tabs. You can disable tabs in the shape panel.


Simulate and carve

10 minutes

Click the “simulate” button to make sure your project will cut the way you are anticipating. If you see red, don’t panic. Red parts will not cut. You can either make the design larger, or if you are happy with the simulated carve, ignore the red areas.

After any final adjustments, you are ready to carve!


Share your creations!

1 minute

If you use the template to make a design, please share it on this forum thread

says the project is not found error 404
Terry K
Please fix the template link. Thanks!
Terry K
anton ritzu
Hi there, I'm about to do this proeject at school but the template link doesn't work. Thanks
anton ritzu
Sam Alaimo
Hi Everyone, I apologize for the error, if you try it now it should work!
Sam Alaimo
Terry K
Thanks Sam!
Terry K
Hank Wilson
Enjoyed your tutorial. Found the visual aids helpful. A thought would be to use a felt board (old school), or vinyl cutouts (done on Xcarve?) would be cool. [waiting to receive my Xcarve -- newguy about to be begin the adventure]. tHANKs
Hank Wilson
Von Redman
Can you show how to do photos please? I'm a Real Bearded Santa, love Christmas and have some great ideas. I do not own a machine yet but looking to buy a phironia :').
Von Redman
Sam Alaimo
Hi Von, Best tutorial is the video linked in the first step. I suggest watching that. The other instructions should go over the basics.
Sam Alaimo
Laura Spurway
I have been making these with my students, and some are amazing! I am having trouble however with the acrylic breaking, especially when trying to cut holes in letters such as an O or R. Any suggestions that may help are greatly appreciated!
Laura Spurway
Hey there. Nice work. Any way we could speed up the video? Lol. No, seriously, it goes way to fast for those of us just learning and don’t use this software everyday. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Disregard my comment, I was watching the overview and found the actual video of how to make the ornaments under instructions. It’s a learning process.
Jaime Chanter
I love this!! Trying very hard to make this work. Any tips on securing thin acrylic or thin wood? It keeps rising up on me and damaging the design. :( Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance. :)
Jaime Chanter
Jackie Kane
beautifully awesome! A+ -going to share this with my students. Thanks!!!!
Jackie Kane
Travis Raymond
having trouble with the "fill' seems to go away as I have copied to a new project or was never there?
Travis Raymond
Shawn Morris
i am new to X-Carve and inventables. In this ornament video. It was mentioned about double sided tape to keep the pieces from flying around. Can I get a link to the video in question please. thank you Shawn
Shawn Morris