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Copy of cribbage board take 4

54 opens
27 copies
Dellos Morrison

Project by

Dellos Morrison
worthington, Ohio

General Information

Cribbage board made with a front side of hardwood and backside of pine or hardwood. Might need to change the peg holes to 1/8" for some pegs. They are smaller in this file.

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Steven Edwards
Is this project still available to open/copy. When I try to open it tells me: This page can’t be foundNo webpage was found for the web address: HTTP ERROR 404
Steven Edwards
Dellos Morrison
Steven: My first response was yes but after looking for the file it appears I have some how deleted the project. My apologies did not intend to do that. If I have an older file I will share that but it will take some fine tuning.
Dellos Morrison
Dellos Morrison
I have shared the following file cribbage board take 4 copy. good luck carving.
Dellos Morrison
Todd Eaton
It still shows as an error when loading :(
Todd Eaton
Dellos Morrison see if above link works
Dellos Morrison
Dellos Morrison
It's a huge file and needs a good internet connection to load. It took 15 mins to send carving to X-carve.
Dellos Morrison
Paul Demeyer
How do you change the holes to 1/8. Every time I try to utilize the 1/8 bit is does not carve the holes or the numbers on the card
Paul Demeyer
Dellos Morrison
Paul: I used a 1/16" bit to cut the holes. You can change the size by clicking on each hole and change size in the shape dialog box. change from .107 (3/32") to .125 (1/8"). You will need a 1/32" bit to cut out the numbers.. Good Luck
Dellos Morrison
Duane Heda
Is this still available for download? When I try to open it in Easel it never loads.
Duane Heda
Cory Tellier
is it possible to get this file for lightburn as i have a laser and can't get it to convert to that file?
Cory Tellier
Dellos Morrison
The easel file is the only file I have at this time, sorry.
Dellos Morrison