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Christmas Edge-Lit Sign

66 opens
25 copies
Gord Rock

Project by

Gord Rock

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My first edge-lit sign! I’m very pleased with this! It was done entirely in Easel. The text is flipped horizontally as it is engraved on the back side of the acrylic. I probably should have flipped one of the bells to make it more symmetrical but didn’t think of that at the time.

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Doug Rees
Can you give more info on bit size type of bit and feeds and speeds. looks great
Doug Rees
Gord Rock
Doug, I believe I used a v-bit with a very small point. According to the specs in the project: Bit: 0.5mm; 0.2mm depth; Feed rate: 1500mm/min; Plunge rate: 228.6mm/min; Depth per pass: 0.5mm. Hope this helps!
Gord Rock