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Chinese Checkers Board

David D Hoard

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David D Hoard

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This is my version of a Chinese Checkers Board with Dragon carve out on back side. I uesd a 1/2" Radius bit for the marble holes and a 30* V-Bit to do carving. I also put this up on Instructables here:

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Here is the Dragon in SVG format


Chinese Checkers 14 inch.crv3d

Here is the Aspire file


Chinese Checkers 14 inch.svg

Here is the Chinese Checkers in SVG format


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from Inventables


Chinese Checkers Board

I used Aspire to design my Chinese Checkers Board. Click on the Youtube video to watch me Carve it out with the X-Carve CNC Router. I used a piece of Cabinet Grade Plywood, but you could use other woods. I painted the Dragon and the then sanded the whole back side. I finish it with Minwax Ipswich Pine Stain and a couple coats of Clear Coat. Bought my Marbles off of EBAY. Thanks for watching

I have included the Aspire files, be sure to preview all Toolpaths and adjust if necessary.

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Craig Simmons
Nice project. Couldn't download the zip file -- says the page is unavailable.
Craig Simmons
Andrew Wilson
same here, unable to download zip file
Andrew Wilson