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Chargearoo - iPhone Charging Pouch

David Ditzler

Project by

David Ditzler

General Information

I launched a new project yesterday on Kickstarter called Chargearoo. Most of the prototypes were made with the Shapeoko. In production they will be made locally here in Chicagoland by a plastic fabricator with 6 CNC routers.

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Abdurakhman Smazov
great idea!
Abdurakhman Smazov
Charles W
How did you lay out your drawing to cut so many pieces? Was it a simple process or did you have to reset your zero for each one?
Charles W
David Ditzler
I nested them by hand in Illustrator. I purposely designed them so they would nest well together and leave limited wasted material.
David Ditzler
Shenae Guerrero
This is awesome! What is this made from?
Shenae Guerrero
Giuseppe Bonifacio
Bravo!!!! Beautiful....
Giuseppe Bonifacio
Anthony Hernandez
Now THIS is epic...
Anthony Hernandez
Josselyn G. Raymundo
Josselyn G. Raymundo