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Centerline Marking Tool

125 opens
60 copies
Paul J. Bennett

Project by

Paul J. Bennett
Milbridge, US

General Information

Fast and Easy to make tool for the shop from scrap. Mark centerlines quickly and easily.

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Set-up X-Carve and load material

Secure plywood to X-Carve and set up Easel, getting ready to begin carving.


Begin Carving

The X-Carve will drill the marking tool body and carve the outline of the tool. When finished, complete cutting the body of the tool from the plywood with a band saw (fastest way to cut out the body).


Finish tool with dowels or round bar

Cut two 1-1/2" long, 1/4" diameter wood dowels or steel round bar. Insert the dowels in the holes on each end of the tool body. A pencil goes through the center hole when ready to use. Finish body with sand paper, paint, or other finish if desired. Begin using tool.