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Cell Cycle Screen

21 opens
3 copies
Jessica Perez

Project by

Jessica Perez

General Information

Ever want a partition that just really nails the whole ‘I-love-science-I’d-marry-it-if-I-could’? Well, look no further! Here is the (hopefullyoneday) cell cycle screen. Meant to divide table top workspaces, it can be scaled up or down, with no issue. Just use a .24" dowel system to join the shapes!

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Material Description Price
Birch Plywood

Birch Plywood


Set up shape

These shapes are already set up, but if you wise to scale them up or down, this is the chance to do it! Without the cnc project already done, I know it’s pretty hard to imagine—but really, that’s what we’re here for, right? To expand our horizons and make our ideas achievable!



60 minutes

In this size, easel predicts that it will take about an hour. So relax, reflect on the inevitable death of the universe and just sip some non-alcoholic ;) beverage while you wait for the machine to do it’s work.

don’t machine and drink kids


Dowel System

20 minutes

Here’s the fun part! So, the wood is thick enough that these babies can probably stand on their own without issue—however we want a full on wall of them. So, you’ll need a .24" diameter dowel system that will fit, and join the two shapes without destroying the aesthetic of sciency goodness you’ve got going on here. Some sanding, a doweling jig, a lot of patience and finickiness, and one good drill—and then you’ve got a cell wall (ba-dum-tish)!





1 minute

Okay, so I hope to refine it enough to get the joint system integrated into the design, but being pretty new to cnc-ing and a little bit more experienced with traditional woodwork, I thought to combine the two in a relatively fast and simple way. Only having learned easel while making this design, I really think with better access can come way more interesting projects!