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Calendar Clock

Martin Gutzmer

Project by

Martin Gutzmer
Rural Bishop Hill , USA

General Information

This is a fun Calendar Clock.
The hands are made to manually move each day
teaching small children Days Weeks and Months.
The wood is a 5/4 or 1 inch edge glued pine round from Menards -$5
The hands are 2 color HDPE from Inventables.

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Calendar Clock

A Hand moved Calendar Clock – fun for small children to learn days months and dates.
Carving in X Carve is not long for the clock face,
Nor for the hands

I finished the top in 2 part epoxy, but any finish would work.
I made the fonts a little bolder by overlaying copies of the text offset by a few thousandths.
Clock Face:

Hands Separate:

I moved each hand up to x-y 0 – separately to save on material
Post a copy if you make this or a viariant thereof .
Martin Gutzmer
Sept 18 2018

Dovid Orrin
Its vey nice. its even better, since people never know what the day, month or date is!!! Very well done!
Dovid Orrin