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Block Print Tea Towel

55 opens
6 copies
Cultivate Studios

Project by

Cultivate Studios
Chicago, Illinois

General Information

Use the provided design or learn how to create your own block print pattern in Easel. Stamp up all the textiles in your home!

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Material Description Price


5" × 7" Linoleum Block


from Inventables


Optional: Create your own pattern

Watch this video to see how I created my design using Easel, and use the same techniques to create your stamp design.

Follow the carving instructions using your new files.


Carve the design

50 minutes

Using either the provided designs (located here), or the designs you created yourself, carve the design out of the linoleum blocks.

Measure the thickness of your linoleum block and set the Z-value to that measurement. Secure the block to the wasteboard using double stick tape.

I used the 1/32 2FL fishtail bit (white ring) set to a depth of .05. Carve.

Leave the block attached to the wasteboard.


Carve the stamps out from the block

15 minutes

If your design does not fill the entire block, cut off the excess portion. If you are using the provided design, use this file. Set your material to MDF and use a 1/8th inch bit (1/8 1FL Sprial Upcut, gray ring).

I changed the cut settings to a custom depth per pass of .03”, because the recommended depth is a little aggressive for a small piece.


Print your design

Using fabric printing inks and an ink roller, print your design on a tea towel, cloth napkin, pillowcase cover, curtains, or anything else you can think of!

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