60 minutes
fast instructions
1. carved designs in acrylic material with paper still attached
2.paint the logo one by one by color
a. open acrylic paper with white design then paint with white spray paint
b. after the paint is dry, cover the white color with masking tape and open the acrylic paper with blue design then paint with spray paint with blue paint spray
c. after the paint is dry, cover the blue color with masking tape and open the acrylic paper with black design then paint with black paint spray
d. after the paint is dry, cover the black color with masking tape and open the acrylic paper with red design then paint with red paint spray
e. after the paint is dry, cover the red color with masking tape
3. heat the section to be bent and then bend 90 degrees
4. after that open all the tape and acrylic paper and your candle holder is ready