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1000mm x 1000mm Shapeoko upgrade kit

Michael Una

Project by

Michael Una
Chicago, USA

General Information

All the parts you need to upgrade the working size of your Shapeoko. This list of parts assumes you have a fully working Shapeoko kit including the electronics, motors, pulleys and etc.

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Material Description Price
Aluminum Extrusion (20mm x 20mm) - Clear

Aluminum Extrusion (20mm x 20mm) - Clear (×2)

Height: 20 mm, Length: 1500 mm, Width: 20 mm


Aluminum Extrusion (20mm x 20mm) - Clear

Aluminum Extrusion (20mm x 20mm) - Clear (×3)

Height: 20 mm, Length: 1000 mm, Width: 20 mm


Button Head Cap Screw

Button Head Cap Screw (×2)

Length: 20mm, Quantity: 10, Thread Size: M5


Extrusion Bracket (Gusset)

Extrusion Bracket (Gusset) (×6)

Finish: Clear Anodized - don't use, Quantity: 1

Flat Washer

Flat Washer (×4)

Finish: Zinc Plated, Dimensions: I.D: 5.3mm; O.D: 10mm, Quantity: 10


GT2 Belting - Open Ended - 4 Meters

GT2 Belting - Open Ended - 4 Meters (×12)

Width: 6.35mm - don't use, Pitch: 2mm - don't use

MakerSlide - Black Anodize - 5M Tapped

MakerSlide - Black Anodize - 5M Tapped (×4)

Length: 1000mm - 2012 - 2019

Pre-Assembly T-Slot Nuts Packs of 10 each

Pre-Assembly T-Slot Nuts Packs of 10 each (×4)

Thread Size: M5 (5mm) × 0.8


Socket Head Cap Screw - Packs of 10 each

Socket Head Cap Screw - Packs of 10 each (×2)

Length: 10mm, Quantity: 10, Thread Size: M5


Stepper Motor Cable

Stepper Motor Cable (×15)

Length: 1 ft, Category: Accessory, Type: Cable

Waste Board with Threaded Inserts

Waste Board with Threaded Inserts

Size (approx): 1000mm 1000mm 3/4" MDF, Inserts: M5 Qty 144

Wood Clamp Set

Wood Clamp Set

Type: Clamping System 1, Qty: 4 - don't use

This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

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The center of the wasteboard will sag if left unsupported, so use four of the extrusions to make a square frame and run the fifth down the center. Use the included brackets, insertion nuts, and m5 bolts to hold it all together.

William :Liner
BOM: Aluminum Extrusion (40mm x 40mm) - Clear ($40×5=$200)? The pictures look like 20mmx20mm ($9x5=$40) is being used. $160 savings.
William :Liner
Paul Posner
I got my Shapeoko2 kit last week... Inadvertently ordered the 1000x1000 wasteboard. So should I build it stock and expand later, or should I just jump in and order the other parts and go 1000x1000? i think building it stock and learning a bit might be the best approach... Feedback?
Paul Posner
Neal Wallace
@Paul: I found it best to get a stock build working 100% before expanding. This makes it easier to square the machine and know it's strengths and weaknesses.
Neal Wallace
what about the cable carrier is it included
Marco Pocoroba
Can you make an expansion kit for 1000mm x, 1800mm y ?
Marco Pocoroba
Steve Morgan
Can you provide the link to the .stl files for your hold down parts?
Steve Morgan
Irimia Sabinel-Cristian
What is the biggest height i can get?
Irimia Sabinel-Cristian
Hans Peder B. Elvhaug
Hello, Thank you for putting this togetter. One question: Are the Makerslides tapped for assembly, or do I need a tap for it?
Hans Peder B. Elvhaug
Paul Kaplan
Hans, you have to tap the makerslide yourself, just like the standard Shapeoko kit.
Paul Kaplan
Jordan Van Flute
Is there any instructions for this? Im trying to put it together. I was sent 5 x 1000mm pieces and not 3 x 1000 and 2 x 1500? Im at a loss with regards to getting the maker slide aligned with the bearings/wheels. Cheers Jordan
Jordan Van Flute
What's the accuracy of cuts with this setup ? As it is bigger (with maybe more sag) is this as precise as the small version? Can you reach 75 microns precision ?
Tadas R
Why are two of the extrusions 1500mm ?
Tadas R
Mel Ristau
I too would like to how the accuracy might change. 1000 x 1000 is perfect for my needs but accuracy trumps scale. Anything you would do differently now that it's had some use?
Mel Ristau
Sean Russell Reid
I wonder how I am to attach the aluminum extrusions to the wasteboard with the 12mm BCHS? It seems to me that they will need to be longer.
Sean Russell Reid
Josh Lamberth
Can you post an image of how you used the 1500 mm extrusions. I bought this kit and can't for the life of me figure out how to put it together. Every configuration I have tried doesn't work. I am open to cutting them, but if that is the case, what is the need for the 1500 mm extrusions?
Josh Lamberth
Daniel Flood
If you have a look through the gallery, the 1500mm extrusions are overhanding on either side (front and rear of machine) and bolted to the 1000mm extrusion.
Daniel Flood
Michelle Thompson
I too would like to see how the base frame and large waste board go together. I have tried several ways, but the length of the sides make it too long to put the Shapeoko 2 as pictured.
Michelle Thompson
Christian Rebecchi
We're building our 1000mm extension kit. We noticed that the 12mm screws in the kit are not enough to connect the board to the aluminium extrusion since the 100x100cm board is 6mm higher than the original one. So we suggest to order 12/15 pieces of 18/20mm M5 screws (and maybe washers).
Christian Rebecchi
Ralf Klaassen
Hello, should the 3 Aluminum extrusions not be 960mm long ? if you add on each end the 20mm of the other aluminum profile to make it a total 1000mm long ? or how is this assembled ?
Ralf Klaassen
Nati Sang
Are there instructions for this expansion because we just bought this expansion kit and it makes no sense to us that the 3 aluminum extrusions are 1000mm long. As noted above, shouldn't the extrusions be 960mm long instead?
Nati Sang
Robert Fields
You get everything that is needed to make a 1000mm mill I mounted 2 of the 1000mm extrusions to the outside ends of the 1500mm extrusions I trimmed off 40mm from the 3rd extrusion and put it in the center Now everything will fit properly
Robert Fields
John Dunaway
Quick question what would be the working area of the 1000 by 1000 upgrade
John Dunaway
federico arroyo
Where are the instructions?
federico arroyo
Louis King
The parts on this list don't fit together out of the box, where are the instructions?
Louis King
Sam Alaimo
In order to preform this upgrade you need to cut 40mm off of the three 1000mm extrusions. The end plates should be mounted to the 1500mm rail, and the three cut down extrusions will fit inside and be secured with the brackets. Email help(at)
Sam Alaimo
George L. Monroy
Hi, want desire X axis 1800 to fit in my workshop. 1800 two more for Y axis. I also wish the belt 1.3 meters and 2 of approximately 1.8 meters, wish you all the gear system and structure, no motors and electronic, but I wish I their couplings and pulleys and belt. acme lead screw will email me
George L. Monroy
Branton Davis
Interested in buying, but no instructions is a no go.
Branton Davis
Jamal Alabbood
I have the same problem and I do not know why 1500 mm and 3 for 1000 mm I have to cut from aluminum
Jamal Alabbood
Jamal Alabbood
I do not recommend this update until he fix all the problems in assembly and what you need components and write instruction sheet
Jamal Alabbood